J had me try a leg yielding exercise today that would challenge both my clarity in giving aids as a rider, and Max's quickness to listen.
We started at a trot and she had us trot from C to E and at E leg yield at the fence to the corner, then trot from A to B and then leg yield again to the corner. Rinse and repeat. After that we did it at canter/trot. This is when it started to get really fun. We would canter from C to E right up to the fence, transition to trot, leg yield, then canter at the corner from A to B, leg yield at the trot and so forth.
Then we did it all in the canter. Max felt like a soft bouncy pillow. It was an amazing feeling!
Left lead canter
Right lead canter
Pretty much everything I asked, he gave. I never had to ask loudly, and I never had to ask twice. Before our lesson we even walked through some huge puddles with scary reflections and ripples. He was a little hesitant but after some sniffing and looking he walked right in. We even stood in the middle of a deep puddle and he started to paw at it and play with the water. Hmm maybe it's time for some cross-country lessons!!